
R&D Team
Over the years, Skylink Microwave continues to invest heavily in Research and Development, to ensure that it’s products meet the demanding needs of the RF &MW industry regardless for commercial or defense applications.
Quality Control Management
Skylink Microwave is committed to provide high quality and field proven products which promotes us to maintain close surveillance monitors of its manufacturing processes to assure consistency of product quality meeting the most stringent customer requirement.

Our products & news latest
TM Quality Knowledge Contest on chengdu
October 20, 2022
To improve product quality and quality management of TM and to create good atmosphere of care and attention to quality, TM holds the 2014 quality knowledge contest on Jan 16th 2014. Total 10 staffs from operation…[more]
Skylink Microwave offers a wide variety of microwave and millimeter-wave power amplifiers in radar systems and radar-based sensors. Skylink has been providing power amplifiers incorporated state-of-art LDMOS, GaN and GaAs technologies in military and commercial radar systems.
Skylink provides mass radio frequency and microwave power amplifiers for EMC compliance labs. The amplifiers for test and measurement applications are low harmonics, high power output and compact with CW and pulsed mode.
Skylink’s best in class highly integrated power amplifiers are designed for command communications for civilian, mobile and fixed station. Skylink has a very wide range of linear, broadband and high power amplifier with SWaP reduction for radio transmission.
Skylink high efficiency millimeter-wave amplifiers adopt state-of-art DPD and heat dissipation technologies with wide frequency range, high linear and well-done monitor function. Skylink provides comprehensive lines of sitcom amplifiers for both fixed and mobile satellite communications in military and commercial areas.